Restricted SFTP-only access to a single directory using OpenSSH

This is a short guide to providing users with restricted SFTP access to a single directory using built-in OpenSSH functionality. Posted by Thomas Sutton on January 15, 2014

Most UNIX-like operating systems include the OpenSSH project’s SSH client and server software. It’s relatively straightforward to configure the OpenSSH server for a range of usecases. In this post we’ll do the following:

  • Create a system group exchangefiles.

  • Create a /home/exchangefiles/ directory and files/ directory within it.

  • Allow users in the exchangefiles group to connect to the server using SFTP (but not SSH).

  • Lock users in the exchangefiles group into the /home/exchangefiles/ directory using a chroot.

  • Restrict some other options for users in the exchangefiles group.

So we’ll allow these users to connect to the SSH server and use SFTP to access a specific directory, and nothing else.


First, lets create the new group:

sudo addgroup exchangefiles

Then create the new directories:

# Create the chroot directory
sudo mkdir /home/exchangefiles/
sudo chmod g+rx /home/exchangefiles/

# Create the group-writable directory
sudo mkdir -p /home/exchangefiles/files/
sudo chmod g+rwx /home/exchangefiles/files/

# Give them both to the new group.
sudo chgrp -R exchangefiles /home/exchangefiles/

SSHD configuration

The OpenSSH server configuration is typically called something like /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Find this file and open it in an editor. First we’ll make sure it will support SFTP in a chrooted environment. Search for a existing Subsystem sftp statement or insert it if it’s missing:

# Enable to built-in implementation of SFTP.
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Here internal-sftp means “use the SFTP server built into sshd”. The default on many platforms is to use an external SFTP implementation (/usr/libexec/sftp-server on Mac OS X or /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server on RedHat-y Linux distros) but this won’t exist inside the chroot. (Previous versions of this post omitted discussion of Subsystem; thanks to Matthew Saltzman for suggesting the improvement.)

Next we’re going to add a section to the end of the file using the Match directive which applies to users in our group:

Match Group exchangefiles

After that we specify the configuration directives which apply the matched connections:

# Force the connection to use the built-in SFTP support.
ForceCommand internal-sftp
# Chroot the connection into the specified directory.
ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles

Let’s lock down some of the additional capabilities of the OpenSSH server so these people can’t, e.g., forward connections through the server and into our private network:

# Disable network tunneling
PermitTunnel no
# Disable authentication agent forwarding.
AllowAgentForwarding no
# Disable TCP connection forwarding.
AllowTcpForwarding no
# Disable X11 remote desktop forwarding.
X11Forwarding no

So the whole block looks like this:

Match Group exchangefiles
  # Force the connection to use SFTP and chroot to the required directory.
  ForceCommand internal-sftp
  ChrootDirectory /home/exchangefiles
  # Disable tunneling, authentication agent, TCP and X11 forwarding.
  PermitTunnel no
  AllowAgentForwarding no
  AllowTcpForwarding no
  X11Forwarding no


To apply the configuration change, just restart your SSH server, create a user and try to access the site.

# On the server:
sudo adduser --ingroup exchangefiles testfiles
sudo service ssh restart

# On a test machine:

Connecting with sftp should result in a connection, but ssh should return an error message:

This service allows sftp connections only.

Connection to closed.

When connected you should be able to list, upload and delete files under /files/.


If you’re doing something like this, you probably want the users to be able to access each other’s files – otherwise why bother sharing a space? To do this you’ll need to set the umask so that files are created with the correct permissions.

The internal-sftp command has a -u option which might help, but I haven’t tested this.


  • 2015-01-08: Tweaked group write permissions on /home/exchangefiles after feedback from “Nik”. Thanks Nik!

This post was published on January 15, 2014 and last modified on January 26, 2024. It is tagged with: howto, ssh, sftp, chroot, linux.